
get Green you’r Self

Why GreenZhy……. September 5, 2008

The name Is GreeZhy. the meaning of Green and Zhy (two name who joined in this name).

We know, The mening of green is one type of colour, merged from blue colour and yellow colour. —-Thanks for the Infinite, for blessing the world with thousands of colours. it sorrounded the whole world, its every where!—- green is one type of colour who can make everybody “balmy”. Green also known as one of dominant colour exist in whole world. Some people usually go to montain to see the “green” when they are in holiday. They are feeling will going better if they see an breathing in natural green. I feel it to!!

and Zhy…

Among a lot of word in this world, only a few word who sticky in my heart. The one of most sticky words is “Zhy”. I never know why. Why must be ‘Zhy’?. It just flowing in my mind in to my heart. I interpreat Zhy as some thing making cool, making calm an giving statis faction. I am loking yhe Zhy as cleary sky, the sweetest blue colour who can make every body calm, confident an blessed. So I thing The Zhy is The sweetest Name in my Live….

So Thats Why I heve chosen the combination of Green and Zhy to become a name of my blog. I hope This blog can be Green and Zhy as I am.